Tag Archives: control

Praying Mantid!

Sarah is very happy with the garden she has in the front yard.  On occasion I have taken some pictures out there of some cool looking flowers.  Lately, though, there has been a flood of pesky bugs that have moved in.  In order to combat this, Sarah has ordered an army!  Well, an army of praying mantids.  What I was expecting was this:

But what we got was these VERY tiny little mantid.  They will grow to be larger, (maybe not a rideable size) but in the meantime, I get to do some Macro photography!

You guys would tell me if I had something on my helmet, right?

So Tiny!

Random Objects

In my quest to take more pictures I have decided to go with a theme.  Random Objects.  Just some things you may pass every day and not take notice of.  For the past few weeks I have made it a point to climb to the top of our 6 floor stairwell just to get some stairs into my daily routine.  In doing so I pass by these pipes every day.  This one caught a very nice shadow and looked interesting:

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