Tag Archives: EA

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Marlow, Haggard, Sweetwater, and Sarge all return for the sequel to the Battlefield Bad Company line of games. I just finished the single play campaign for BC2, and am in the midst of the multi-player side.  The multi-player will no doubt be occupying many many hours of my gaming time, especially since I have such good friends to play with.  That’s what this game is really all about.  The multi-player aspect of BC2 is designed around you and your friends, not you and 16 of those random people you meet up with in game.  You and your friends start a squad and go to town!  But more on that in a moment.

As I said I finished up with the mingle player “multi-player tutorial” campaign.  Well, that’s what it felt like at least.  With BC1 the game was build with both the single play and the multi-play worked in.  The campaign was rich and well written, with some good funny bits and a solid story.  BC2’s single play is just hollow.  It felt like I was just being walked through and shown all the different things I would be able to use in the multi-player area….”Here is how to drive a tank”….”here is how to use the UAV”…etc.  The writing and dialogue didn’t even pick up to a serious pace until the last chapter.  Also, the collectibles were laughable.  In the first game you were searching for certain guns and gold chests…because they tied into the story.  The second one it’s like “You may run across these blinky chests and a few guns along the way, blow up the chests and take the guns…..if you want”  I was very very very disappointed.  Not even the constant Modern Warfare 2 bashing helped with that.  (Ok, maybe it helped a little.)

Now, to switch gears, the Multi-player is amazing.  Yeah, I said it, Amazing!  I have one word for it….Destructible!!  Everything is!  I love that I can take down an entire building if I don’t like someone on the top of that tower…Boom, no more tower.  Currently I believe I am level 4 (spent most of the time playing single player) and I have found that when you play as a medic, they just hand you points.  You get points for dropping a med kit, reviving players, oh and for that whole killing people thing.  I highly suggest if you are just starting out, run as a medic for the first few levels!

So here I am, torn, because I really feel that, as a multi-player game, this game is outstanding.  But I bought it because I really loved the Single player game from the first one, and that fell short.  Well, honest opinion….buy it.  It’s damn fun to play online.  If you are looking for a game that you and your friends will enjoy for hours on end, this is it.  Sorry if I am not going in depth on any one aspect specifically, but I don’t want to spoil anything of the game, but seriously, you know what you need to about the game, go buy it, run through the single player campaign first so you know what to do in multi-player, and enjoy!