Tag Archives: Trek

The iPadd, the only thing that may….may tempt me to get an iPad

Gizmodo posted this today and I know I am not the only person to have thought this right out of the gate.  The PADD from Star Trek is the iPad from today.  It’s really that simple.  It would probably be better if you could do some more interacting with your household systems too but, you never know, there may be an app for that.  In any case, it’s stuff like this that may tempt me to think about maybe possibly getting one.


Picard never Hit me!

Some new Star Trek news real quick for today.  I am, of course, still playing Star Trek Online which has been going good with one small exception that I will go into in a moment, but I want to discuss a few other Trek related things first.  DragonCon is coming and quite a few new guests have been announced and many of them are Trek related.  I don’t know if Shatner and Nimoy got back and passed the word about how much fun they had but there is a HUGE guest list of Trek people:

I am eagerly awaiting the chance to find and get signed a picture of Q and Sisko in their boxing gear from DS9.  This list, no doubt, will be growing as we get closer to the time of the Con, which is Sept.

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3-6 of this year.  I will in attendance and, if I can manage it (without ending up with a restraining order), I will get as many interviews as I can with some of these folks.  I would love to hear what they think about some of the more modern versions of Trek either in Game or other new media.

Also on the radar is a new project that some friends and I are working on….the creation of the “Maroon Monster” costume, which I understand is the nickname for the Wrath of Khan style uniform from Star Trek.  The patterns have been ordered and work will start soon.  I will be more than happy to post progress pics and eventually a full production blog on the process.

Ok, lastly, my progress in STO has slowed only slightly because of a problem I am having.  I made it to Deep Space 9 in the game and noticed that you can purchase a Danube class Runabout from one of the vendors.  This is a small Shuttle that you can fly and outfit with weapons.  It’s purely a luxury item and fun to fly.  The problem lies in that when you buy it, all of your stats on your equipment get cut in half, or at least they display that way.  No one has determined exactly what happens.  I put in a ticket about the issue and was brushed off with a “Yeah we know about it, we’ll fix it soon”.  Normally I would be ok with that except that, from what I have read about this bug from others, No one is sure if it’s a display issue or a real game effecting issue and no GM has stated one way or the other.  Players also claim if you decommishion the shuttle, your stats get resolved, and that’s great but I paid 149k credits for the shuttle and I would hate to waste that.

So I mentioned all this to the GM’s in the ticket I submitted hoping to get an answer on if it was a display issue or real issue, and if they would take the item from me and refund the amount.  Neither of which happened.  I was told again “Yeah we know about it and the devs will get to it” with a side glancing “we don’t give refunds”.  So as of now, you can still purchase the Danube class ship from DS9, it WILL break your stats, and there is NO WAY to get a refund even if you put in multiple tickets.  How hard is it to get a ticket, remove the item, refund the credits?  it has no effect on the economy because the goods are removed.  It would remove the headaches of dealing with players afflicted with this bug, and if you remove the item from sale and implement it when it’s fixed, all the better!  My ticket is still open and there is a thread open on the STO forums.


Still Plugging Away, Captain in sight!

Ok so I have been splitting a lot of my game time up for the last few weeks.  Star Trek Online really has me stuck in the holodeck and has taken control of the ship.  When I can get some escape from it I have been working my way through Bioshock 2.  Since the time is split on both and finishing up neither it has left me with some wonder on what to post to keep things current out here on the site.  So I will give you the thoughts so far on both of these.  First up, a State of Rapture.

So I am quite a ways into B2 and it’s just, finally, starting to get to a near playable state.  I say that because the first few levels were spent figuring out how to play and building up weapons so they can actually hurt someone wearing just a dress and a plastic mask.  Where as the junkie with a pipe can kill me in my deep sea armor plated dive suit.  Yeah, it’s a lot like that.  It would also appear that the Xbox version has a few bugs.  None of the vending machines give off the familiar “Welcome, to the Circus of Values!”. And I still miss the little sisters reacting to your rescue of them (“No No, No No!”).  Now that I am past the build up phase and getting more into the game, it’s getting a little better.  I may have to agree with the guys in the Joystiq Xbox fancast when they say that maybe using Bioshock 2 to follow Mass Effect 2 is a bad idea.  When you go from a game that is very heavily story based and rich in it’s plot, and you go to something that is basically a re-hash of the first game, it’s bound to leave you a tad bitter.  Fret not though, despite all this, I am still enjoying the game and it’s probably better that I take it slow so that I can enjoy the good parts and be away long enough to forget the bad.

In the meantime I have been enjoying the Trek experience in Star Trek Online.  I have a grand total of 3 characters (BTW, the max is 3), My Main, Boothby, is a Trill Science Commander (Commander 9, soooooo close to Captain) flying the U.S.S. Amazonia which looks like it’s ready to be hatched.  I hate the look of the Commander Science ships.  They have that horrible sphere instead of a saucer section.  I also have my Klingon Character which you are able to start playing after you reach LT 6 with your Federation character.  The nice thing is that you start at LT 6 with the Klingon as well so Lt Lock, Tactical Officer of the I.K.S VeS Qab (WarCrimes), is bringing hell to the Federation.  Finally I have my Alt, Lt Commander Wi’Zzer, Vulcan Engineering officer of the U.S.S. Fairfax.  This character I am running with my friend Doc so we are keeping the characters in line with each other.  When he isn’t on, I play Booth.

So the State of the Galaxy is that Boothby just managed to reach Deep Space 9 out towards Cardassian space.  I like that there are a specific set of missions for each area and a specific enemy that you are working against.  Something I would love to see, though, is a different set of missions based on what you are.  I’m a Doctor not a Tactical officer!  Where are my Science specific missions?  Why does my Engineer character get missions where he needs to scan Nebula’s and gathering Data?  My Science officer is running off on missions to take out 5 squadrons of ships that should be better suited for a Tactical officer.  Now it’s usually better if you are running in a team of course so you have 1 of each type, but that is rare.  Another big complaint would be in the stats and skills.  So I have my ship that I can outfit with a billion different bits and parts.  I loot a science console that gives me +10 to Astrometrics.  I have found no where to tell me what exactly that does for me!  Some of the skills are good in that they give you examples of the skills they benefit, but it’s really hard to keep the granularity straight.

On the plus side, the missions I have run lately have been great for the story.  Learning about the Hobus Star and what happened to Romulus was very intriguing.  Playing as my Engineer and being the tank while Doc tears through with his Escort ship, and even playing through as my Klingon even though it’s just PVP for him.  (Need more Klingon Quests!!!)  I can see that I will be very entertained for quite a while still.  Is it bad that I have had the urge to watch more of the TV show and movies as of late?  Not much else on the radar right now so I will be cooking up some non-review articles in the coming weeks.  Stay Tuned!

Farpoint 2010

The snow is starting to melt and I only have a mildly high trench of a driveway to navigate.  Most of the time at home was split between Star Trek Online and Bioshock 2. (Rescued my first Little Sister.)  Believe it or not I actually reached a point in my cabin fever where I got up and could game no more.  Instead I went and watched the Star Trek Reboot on Blu-Ray.  Anyways, this is just a quick update to say that I won’t be posting anything this weekend, or even playing as I am off to Farpoint in Baltimore MD.  Also it is Sarah and my one year Anniversary!  So it’s a nice little get-away after a long internment at the house.  Should be some costumes and a few guests to visit with.  I’ll probably have an after action report on Monday-ish.

In the meantime, remember, Level up, and spend those skill points!!

Returning from the Alpha Quadrant, or, Shore leave on Hoth

Well, the snowpocolypse 2.0 has taken it’s toll on us, and the house.  We got about 20+ inches of snow and spent most of Saturday and Sunday clearing it off the driveway and everything else.  Some of my neighbors have drifts in front of their houses (mostly because of the plows) that measured up to about 9 feet tall!  This of course meant that most of the time, not spent shoveling snow, was spent inside playing games.  Sarah was on the Internets, until she picked up Overlord 2.  Andrew was on Mass Effect 2, after he finished with Uplink, and I was playing Star Trek Online, no after there, it was all STO.

Over the weekend I have managed to make it to the rank of Lt. Commander, I have 4 different ships to choose from, and I have 5 bridge officers.  (Also, I have at least 3 tribbles.)  The long arduous road to Lt. Commander was painful right at the end, mostly because of the lack of realization that I needed to spend skill points to earn the promotion instead of just earn them.  Made it all the way to Lt rank 11 before I figured that out.  Once I had earned the rank I ventured back to the Sol Sector and attended my promotion ceremony.  It was very touching.  After that it was off to claim my new ship.  I had actually been saving up energy credits for my entire career so that I could buy an extra ship so one Cruiser and one Escort.  Since I am still new to the heavier ships, I will hold off on the pluses and minus until later.  Instead lets go over some of the things I loved and hated about my time as a young Lieutenant

Things I loved:

Who needs friends with an away team like this?
– Every time I had to beam down to a planet I always had an away team with me.  For starters it was just me and my Engineering officer along with a few security guys, (those poor red shirts) but after a while I had my science officer, my tactical officer, and my ferengi, ok so he is a engineering officer too but he’s my token.  Each officer has a special ability that they use on their own or by my command.  Even coming around and reviving me if I get knocked out.  It’s very helpful!

Autogrouping with Others. Now I know this may be a plus or a minus depending on the type of person you are but I found it to be very helpful.  If you and 3 other people are working on the same mission at the same time (as is the case in most missions), it will auto group you together and adjust the level accordingly.  The amazing thing about it is that without even sending a hail, everyone just worked together!  This avoids all of the Awkward conversations and ninja tagging.

Dead Klingon = New Mark II Engine – Everything that I needed for my LT Career was found in loot.  I had no need to spend credits on anything because it was all available in loot.  This allowed me sell anything excess that I had looted and didn’t need so I could have the money to buy the second ship.

Things I Hated:

Oh god more Patrol missions – To boldly go where everyone has gone before.  The patrol missions are really more of a love hate thing.  I love that there is a large variety of types of missions, but they start getting repetitive after a while.  Clearly they are meant to be filler around the other larger missions, so my advice….don’t run them back to back.  Run one system, go do a main mission, come back and do another system.

No, mister Klingon, I do not want to enter an chance enemy encounter. – Flying around in sector space I found myself automagicly sucked into enemy encounters, which under normal circumstances would be fine, but these are on a timer, and the timer is ALWAYS ticking down from like 5 min to start.  So I won’t be sitting around for 5 min for my “chance” encounter.

Still a tad clunky – Ok so this is an overall grievance.  Unfortunately the game is still a little rough around the edges.  There are minor glitches in the graphics, in the performance, in the interface.  BUT…  It’s a brand new MMO and it’s still finding it’s place and growing into some very large combat boots.  After wittnessing the launch of SWG, EQ2, AOC, LOTRO, WoW, COH, and who could forget The Matrix Online!  (Wow, I have tried a lot of MMO’s, and many of them from launch!)  I can easily see how things will get ironed out and the issues are really minor.  I have seen nothing that is a show stopper.

Final verdict: For a starter MMO, I give Star Trek online a good 7.5 out of 10 Tribbles.  But I reserve the right to change this score after 1: I play more since it doesn’t really end and, 2: Time mends all glitches.

Just in time too as tomorrow I will be venturing back to Rapture for Bioshock 2!

To Boldly Have Gone. or Mission Accomplished

Here I am, only minutes after finishing Mass Effect 2, and I am still processing all that happened.  I may end up actually replaying from my last major save point because I am not completely happy with some of my choices.  For now I am going to let them bake in my head and deal with the consequences.  (And mourn the loss of Jack, Grunt, Thane, and the Colonists.  In the words of Joker:  “Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit, What the Shit!?”

This also means that I am now un-distracted until next Tuesday!  A fact that I am sure Sarah and Andrew will be happy about.  (Or not.)  In the mean time I have to say that I have become increasingly tempted by Star Trek Online based on what I have seen about it online and the few friends who have tried it.  I am probably only slightly less of a Star Trek fan than I am a Star Wars fan.  (Which is to say, pretty damn rabid.)  Although I do not own any Star Trek costumes, and I am not sure I will any time soon, I have always enjoyed the shows and the inspiration they provide.  I loved many of the other trek games, even though they were widely un-popular.  I even have a copy of the Star Ship creator lying around here somewhere.  I am curious to the designs of the ships and to see the variants.  Ok damn, this is really not helping.

Maybe if I go read the Next Gen Tech Manual I can get my mind off it.

And yes, I have it.

And the Original series one.

The DS9 one too.

Oh God I need help.