Acorns and the like.

So I realize that it’s been a while since I have updated (again).  The truth is that I have been keeping myself busy to the point that I always have something else to do than sit and write out an update more than like 3 lines.  I have really kind of relied on Twitter for those needs.  There have been quite a few changes in my life as of late.  The biggest one being that Sarah and I finally tied the knot!  We flew out to Las Vegas this last week and met up with lots of friends and family for the event.  Surprisingly enough, everything went off without a hitch!  Well, kind of at least.  The only major issue we found was that the package we got from the chapel included a live web-cast of the wedding.  We were scheduled for 5pm PST, but between the Limo hitting traffic and the people in the chapel taking a little extra time, we didn’t really start till like 5:20pm.  But hey, if that’s the only snag I count us as lucky!  The wedding was beautiful, there are lots of pictures in the gallery .  We got back home on Sunday morning and crashed out for the rest of the weekend.  I am still exhausted!

After we woke up and recovered, we checked out the vast pile of mail that was waiting for us and Sarah had a small box.  Out of it she pulled a small gift for me.  But this will need some explaining first:

So about 2-3 months after we started dating, we went down to Richmond to visit with her parents.  While we were walking back from Cary-town Sarah reached down and picked up an Acorn.  Just being silly, she handed it to me with a “Here!  Acorn!”  I dropped it in my pocket and we trudged on.  Every night, when I am getting ready for bed, I take everything out of my pocket and set it on my dresser.  The usual contents are: 1 USB fob, 1 Chap-stick, 1 20 sided dice, and then the newly added acorn.  I kept it because it was just a silly reminder that I got to keep with me.  It stayed with me for nearly 2 years!  That is, until the night of the 7th.  My Bachelor Party.  As with any Bachelor party, there was quite a bit of drinking.  I remember someone making a joke about rolling for a success so I reached in my pocket and pulled out the good ol 20 sider for  a roll.  When we were done I shoved it back in my pocket.  Later that evening, while Sarah was helping me in my inebriated state, She reached into the pocket of my jeans to drop all 4 items on the dresser, except there were only 3 items. 

“Hey, where is your Acorn?”  She knew I had kept it and thought it incredibly silly (though I know that deep down she thought it was cute)

“What do you mean?” (though this probably came out as “whaa does juuuuu meeeennnsss?”

It should be noted at this time that when someone is under the influence of alcohol, many of their emotions are at an extremely heightened level.  Usually it’s not such a good idea to say something that could be depressing or saddening. 

Jumping up I ran over to check the status of my beloved acorn only to find that it was indeed gone.  (I believe I only tried to jump up, fell back on the bed and Sarah assured me that it was indeed gone, but I like to remember it the other way)  It was at this point that I started to freak.  Sarah was quick to calm me down/distract me, but I will still pretty upset.  For the next week it was very depressing to only pull out the three items from my pocket instead of the four. 

So when we got back from Vegas, Sarah hands me a small, very heavy, bronze acorn.  Apparently she had set about scouring the Internets for an acorn substitute and found one.  It got there while we were gone.  The casting on it is beautiful and it is certainly a reminder that I have it in my pocket.

So I leave behind the dating and engagement with a fragile and light acorn, and venture into married life with a good solid permanent Nut!

  1. Being the nut that you are…. it suits you!

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