What are you Playing? (When you aren’t getting ready for a CON)

Hey all, it’s time for another rousing round of What are you Playing!  The last few weeks have been mostly occupied by me procrastinating getting things ready for DragonCon.  In just 2 small weeks I will be living it up in Atlanta rubbing elbows with some of the best costumers and sci-fi geeks on the planet.  I am also really excited about the Guest list this year.  So excited that I have been trying to think up questions that would be game related that I could ask some of our favorite celebrities.  Info that I would bring back and post here on the site.  So I put it to you, there is a huge guest list over on the website Http://www.dragoncon.org. If there is anyone in particular that you would like to know what their gaming habits are, or any questions you think I should toss out there.  I plan on using my phones voice recorder to grab some sound bites from the folks there.  Please feel free to drop questions you want asked into the comments.  (P.S. Apparently, Paul Dini, the writer for the Batman Arkham games will be there, you KNOW I am going to be talking to him!)

As for what I am actually playing…. I finished up Crackdown 2, I bought another new Xbox 360S to replace the E-73 Error-ed out one downstairs so the Rock Band setup is back to normal.  I am hoping to knock out Alan Wakes “The Signal” here soon, but mostly just getting stuff ready for vacation.  What are YOU playing?

  1. Monday Night Combat! Also, DragonQuest IX. Ran into Matchstick at a recent DQ IX event too.

  2. StarCraft 2 is the only game right now, aside from killing time at work with Mafia Wars. I didn’t realize just how much I missed playing StarCraft back in the day. 😀

  3. I tried out the demo for Monday night Combat and wasn’t completely sold on it yet. But I haven’t given up either.

    And Starcraft will have to wait until post DragonCon. Never ever start a big game right before Con lest you end up with Game on the brain all con.

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