Farpoint 2010 The Returning

Man I wish it wasn't so Blury!!For those of you who are unfamiliar with conventions like Farpoint, it’s a small fan run convention up in Timonium Maryland.  I have been to Farpoint a number of times and it’s become kind of a “home base” con for me.  It used to be held at the Hunt Vally Marriot hotel but from what I understand there was some Staff issues that caused them to change venues to the Crown Plaza.  I really have mixed feelings about the new hotel.  I really loved the Marriot because there was ample space for small gatherings of friends for hang outs.  The Crown Plaza was like everything all lumped into one very large room so it was one super big party.  Like its own little Nerd Prom.  So on the one hand you were more involved in Con related stuff, but missed out on the smaller gatherings.  My hotel verdict is still out.

So the main reason for attending Farpoint was that Felica Day would be there.  Given that she is a LA Native and a frequenter of most of the West Cost cons, having her at something in the east, and a small con to boot, was awesome.  Also at the con was the premire of Trenches, the web series produced by Shane Felux of Revelations and Pitching Lucas fame.  Also known as the sole reason I have an IMDB Film credit!  Trenches, which you know from the earlier post, Officially debuted today at Crackle.com, but con attendees were allowed a early viewing of the whole series on Saturday.  After the showing, Shane’s wife Dawn presented the DVD copy to Felica Day for her library. (Felicia Day was unable to attend the viewing due to her signing schedule.)

Also on Saturday I got to attend the Q&A Panel that Felica was holding to see her speak on many different topics.  Everyone knows that She is an avid gamer but I was curious to learn what else she was playing.  Turns out that she has a large stack of games that are waiting for her furious writing schedule to allow, and in the drive is Mass Effect 2.  She also will be doing the voice of the Upcoming Wii Game Rock of the Dead, where she will be the Female love interest to none other than Neil Patrick Harris.  The questions she answered ranged from the standard “what would you like to work on” to the obscure “What are the best desert places in LA.” (Which was answered in the most serious tone.  BTW, she is a sucker for the cupcake places!)  I did get the brief chance to meet up with her and talk a little about gaming and conventions (very very brief).  She also wouldn’t give out her Xbox Gamertag (kind of expected) but did mention that she will be doing an Xbox Game with Fame event.

The rest of the weekend was spent with my lovely wife (who tolerates me most of the time) and enjoying our 1 year anniversary, as well as Valentines day.  I will spare you the mushy details but it involved awesome turtles and fishes.  Also, there may or may not be pictures of me in  BSG BDU’s doing possibly bad things to the statue in front of the hotel.  I’ll go ahead and say, it wasn’t me!  I swear, it was Alan Rickman who happened to be a surprise guest at the hotel and, and, man can that guy drink! (Honest!)

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